It's Not About Me... or You, Either!

In his book The Purpose-Driven Life, Rick Warren tells us clearly that life here is not about "us" but about God.

Have you ever heard people ask, "Why does God allow suffering?" or "I can't believe that if there is a God that He'd be so cruel." My personal favorite is "Why did God do this to me? I deserve better!"

Hey, make no mistake about it--Mother Teresa was considered by many to be a very good person. She cared for the poor, totally changed her life, lived in poverty--you name it. In fact, we could all pretty much agree that Mother Teresa was "better than all of us" on the "good" scale.

Yet Mother Teresa knew that she needed grace.

Y'see, if Mother Teresa is better than you or me, and Mother Teresa needed grace, what does that say about you and me?

God doesn't "have it out for you" and He's not trying to make our lives hard. The "why" may not be answered until we get to heaven! But I know this much... God did not create us so that He could serve us.
