Attention Marrieds: Single People are Real People

It frightened me when I got married how much "more of a person" I was treated by society.

Those who are single often state their fears of being outcast by the "normal" married people. And married people nod their heads and say "That's right, we should be more considerate." But then nothing happens.

Here's some things that happened to me when I was single:
  1. Whenever someone needed to stay late at work I was always the one told to stay late because "I was single and don't have anything else to do." Yes, that's a direct quote from a former boss.
  2. At church and in business, I was seldom taken seriously in meetings and was often ignored when I had questions or comments.
  3. Several real estate agents would pass me on to other agents and refuse to work with me.
  4. I learned that one human resources manager refused to interview me for a position that I desired and was well qualified for specifically because I was single.
  5. One church I attended required those in the singles ministry to park in a different parking lot about a quarter mile away from services.

These kinds of events never happen now that I am married!

In the Church, we need to be sure to never, ever treat single people as "second-class citizens" and to instead remember that Christ died for everyone and we should follow His lead of loving others no matter what their present state.
