A Good Name is More Desirable than Riches

For March 2024, we are providing daily studies that focus on the book of Proverbs. While we don't expect to focus on every single verse, we are working through Proverbs with insights that we hope you find valuable.

A Good Name is More Desirable than Riches - A Bible Study on Proverbs 22:1

The Value of Integrity and Reputation

Welcome to this Bible study on Proverbs 22:1. In this verse, we are reminded of the importance of integrity and a good reputation. Let's explore this truth together.

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father, as we gather to study Your Word, open our hearts to Your truth. Help us to understand the value of integrity and a good name. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Scripture Reading

Proverbs 22:1 (NIV)

A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.

Exploration and Reflection

Reflect on the following aspects of Proverbs 22:1:

  1. The Value of Integrity - Discuss the significance of having a good name. What does it mean to have integrity, and why is it more desirable than great riches?
  2. Building a Reputation - Explore the idea of reputation and how it is formed. How do our actions, words, and character contribute to our reputation?
  3. Trustworthiness and Reliability - Consider the role of trust in building a good name. How does being trustworthy and reliable contribute to our reputation?
  4. Impact on Relationships - Reflect on how our reputation affects our relationships with others. How does having a good name enhance our interactions and connections?


Consider how the message of Proverbs 22:1 can be applied to your life:

- Evaluate your own integrity and reputation. Are there areas where you need to improve? What steps can you take to cultivate a good name?

- Reflect on the values and principles that guide your actions and decisions. How do these contribute to the formation of your reputation?

- Consider the impact of your words and actions on others. How can you build trust and credibility in your relationships?

- Commit to living a life of integrity and honor, prioritizing character over material wealth. Seek to be known for your integrity and the goodness of your heart.

Closing Prayer

Gracious God, we thank You for the wisdom found in Proverbs 22:1. Help us to prioritize integrity and a good name over material riches. May our lives be a reflection of Your goodness and truth. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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